Service Level Agreements (SLA)


Secure server operation is not possible without the latest security updates: IPHH manages the care and maintenance of your system and ensures that it is always running with the latest security patches.

Once a new security update becomes available, we check it for compatibility and then install it on your system. After talking to you first, of course. Should services restarts or reboots be necessary, we’ll set the desired date with you.


Internet Port Hamburg GmbH
A Portus Data Centers Company
Wendenstraße 408
20537 Hamburg

T : 040 37 49 19-0
F : 040 37 49 19-29
E :

About IPHH

Internet Port Hamburg (IPHH) was founded in 1996. Our offer includes server hosting and housing, domain management and solutions and consulting for all IT topics. IPHH also offers profound support for Linux.


Please use our contact form to have them answered.

Copyright 2024 IPHH. All Rights Reserved.
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